Barcode Laser Labels

label sheetMore and more companies are utilizing the printers they currently have and we are seeing a trend of using them when it comes to printing labels.  Typically barcode laser labels that have been printed on-site were done using a thermal transfer bar code printer like Zebra or Datamax.  Although the selection of material and adhesive is not as diverse as thermal transfer printing, there are still choices. While most of our business is custom sizes and shapes, blank or color, we also have a large assortment of stock laser labels to choose from.  If you would like more information about laser labels or to talk about the image you would like on your products, please Contact Us.  We will be happy to assist.  Put 23 years of experience to work for you.

We have a large assortment of stock laser labels and are adding new sizes quarterly and may already have what you need.  Contact Us for a stock label list.


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